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2002-01-09 - 1:08 p.m.

I'm back again so soon? Must be something in the air. Call it resolution.

I went to WW this morning. It hasn't changed a bit - I do like the meetings but why is there always one person who seems in need of greater therapy than any amount of weight loss will get her? Oh, well, they aren't usually at every meeting anyway.

Our leader - who I like, by the way, a little crusty but has some money, very well dressed, doesn't apologize for anything and does not teach or nurse, my kind of lady - wanted us to come up with 10 reasons we want to lose weight, but then challenged us to come up with 25. So here's my attempt at the challenge. Disclaimer - some are humorous, some are serious, some may offend but they all have a grain of truth in them somewhere.

1. Health - of course, this is such a pat answer that it needs to be subdivided (also giving me extra numbers)

1a. Cholesterol - mine isn't high, but the ratio of good to bad is off (imagine that with the amount of McDonald's and lack of exercise in my life)

1b. Triglycerides - three years ago they were high, then two years ago ok, but they are controlled by diet so at least I can keep them normal

1c. High blood pressure - mine is borderline, and at 50 my great grandfather had a stroke and died. As I have said before, I wouldn't likely die, but I would have some terrible type of speech impediment and that would be almost as bad (ever see Legends of the Fall? Although if I have a stroke I hope I don't try to stick a cigar in the functional side of my face and try to talk at the same time, and for heavens sake! I hope SOMEONE would brush my hair for me!!)

1d. Diabetes - don't have it, don't want it and I am well on the road to getting it if I'm not careful

1e. Arthritis - again, don't have it, don't want it

1f. Turet's Syndrome - don't have it, don't want it (Oh, yeah, that's just a bad dream I have, doesn't have anything to do with being fat)

1g. My medical record - hate that Obese bit that's always written there

7. (The health ones took up 6 all on their own) More energy

8. I would like to take my rings off with ease - I hate the struggle surgery days bring on and I REFUSE to have them resized when it's so much easier (and better) to resize ME

9. I would like to walk up stairs without panting

10. When I sit on an airplane I would like to not feel claustrophobic when I lower my tray

11. Snoring - this one is for not just me, but my husband and any guests (and the neighbors, too)

12. Confidence - I am a confident person and try to walk into a room like I own it but lately I feel like I overtake it

13. Skin tone - I can always tell people who are losing weight with WW because somehow their skin looks better

14. When I tell people that I played HS and college softball, I want them to wonder more if I'm a lesbian than how I could have run the bases without collapsing

15. Playing softball - I would like to do more active things with my husband

16. Speaking of active things - let's face it, sex is better with confidence and good looks on your side

17. Someday I want to walk into a room and have a lot of appreciative looks from men (I realize how shallow this sounds, but I have always had a little jealousy thing with my sister and my friend, Julie)

18. I'm tired of shopping in fat women stores. I realized this in full as I looked for a sweater for my mother-in-law and had a hard time even walking through the doors at some stores simply because I KNEW they were thinking, "Please don't let her be my customer, because I'll have to lie and say that really TIGHT shirt looks good and I don't know if I'm up to that kind of lie"

19. Again, airplane, movie theater, etc, I don't like touching the person I'm sitting next to, and unfortunately it's my fault, not theirs

20. The exam room seems so full of people when I'm in it

21. I hate being in a room and thinking I'm the largest one in it

22. My sister's wedding is in 5 months and I have to fit into the dress

23. I'll feel better (again, such a pat answer but really true)

24. In two and a half years I should be at goal weight just in time for my 10th year college reunion (vet school, that is - I didn't graduate from any college)

25. I hate always being hot

26. Yes, I'm going over, but one of the biggest reasons I want to lose weight is that I had a gynecologist tell me that if I lost 100 pounds I would likely have normal periods, get pregnant without a lot of difficulty and get rid of the other side effects of improperly balanced hormones (like excessive hair) and I really want to have kids

Enough for you yet? I though getting 25 things might be kind of hard but I didn't even have to try hard to get them down.

Well, that should be enough of an entry today. I have to go to the duplex to spiff it up for selling and then off to church choir.

Until later.


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