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2002-10-16 - 10:37 a.m.

Well, I finished The Book of Fred. Turns out, it was a pretty good book and I would definitely recommend it. Book clubs would like it, too, as it includes questions and answers at the end of it. My book club answers these things when they are available, and Sue does a great job of hunting them up. That said, I will tell you that my club has absolutely no difficulty in coming up with conversation, although it is not always about the book in question. That's what makes the group so great. They are all smart, great women who use books as an excuse to get together and bond, while still getting some intellectual stimulation by actually reading! Plus, you get the added bonus of great food, great drink, great discussion (although the many lapses into raunchy, comical talk probably balances the "great" in the discussion) and great friendships. I love 'em to pieces!

Enough glowing reports on the club - it just seemed to escape into the journal as I was thinking about the book I just read.

Today I have to go to work, then I totally plan on working on my house. It felt really good to read and lay around this morning, but I start to feel guilty. I really do after reading this book, which makes the religious fanatics out to be a little more real, with some good values - like cleaning is a good activity and makes your life more organized and peaceful. While this is true, it does seem like I'm much better at laying around in front of the t.v. I also know that eating better and a little exercise would go a long way, but again, ordering pizza and playstation sometimes are much more appealing. Oh, well. I guess we can't all be fanatics.

Well, hi-ho, hi-ho and all that.

Until later.


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