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2003-07-09 - 9:51 a.m.

So, I went to the doctor on Monday and the "magic pills" seem to be doing their job. For the faint of heart, medically sickened, or those who just don't want to know my intimate details, stop reading now and come back again in a couple of weeks.

To continue...

The nurse practitioner asked me, "How do you know when you ovulate? Do you take your temperature?"

She gets back my blank stare. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I probably haven't ovulated since high school, and if I have, I have absolutely NO clue when it would have been. That's what PCOS means - did you read my chart before walking into the room?

So she tells me to get an ovulation kit from the store. At my blanker stare, she lets me know I can pick them up at pharmacies (I assume, near pregnancy kits, huh?). I also mistakenly assume you use whole blood in them (like a glucose thing) but apparently you just pee on a stick. Oh, joy, how I love to play with urine. Easier than blood, though.

It's weird to think that sometime next week I could be pregnant. Exciting, but really very scary. I am only halfway getting my hopes up, though, because even though we try to make biology an exact science, it sure isn't. We'll just have to wait and see.

Nothing much else going on here. Scott has the week off and put some tile on the side of the house so the dirt would stop eroding down the hill into the driveway. I need to plant a few plants and stake the tomatoes better. Yeah, real exciting stuff.

Well, I must go get ready to go to a pain seminar this afternoon. I am skipping WW today to hang with my hubby this am (and since I was up really late last night, hence sleep-in this morning) and go to the seminar this afternoon. I'll be back next week, and if I would start exercising, probably thinner.

Until later.


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