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2001-12-27 - 6:39 p.m.

I've been remiss. I am now catching up. Let's see...

December 23 I went to church, then picked up my husband to hotfoot it over to his parent's house for Christmas. We voted at the end of the day (Scott and I, that is) and "asshole" won as word of the day. As in, "Richard, why are you such an asshole?", Jeannine's off and on question all afternoon. Yes, she's menopausal and yes, stay out of her way. She does make a good batch of potato soup, though. Got some good gifts and then headed home to finish cleaning for my family's big adventure to Minneapolis.

December 24 - got up and went to work (someone has to check and make sure those kennel kids show up and Bless Them, they did!!). Then picked up some extra groceries - me and half the town, apparently, and then headed home to finish cleaning and cooking. It was well worth it - my family showed up and a good time was had by all. Everyone got me baking sheets and my husband threw in a cooling rack and box to store beads in. He also gave me a kick-ass game, Cranium. It's like charades and trivial pursuit and pictionary, all with a twist and all in the same game. We played it with his family and the next day with mine. Fun. My family then got to go to church with me and then we came back and opened gifts. I got a Coach bag from my sister and pearls from my parents (that my dad bought in China after watching a demo where they pull 'em out of the oysters - cool, huh?).

Yesterday they all headed out and I relaxed all afternoon on the computer and couch. Scott got home and SURPRISE! took me to get my birthday present - golf clubs!! I am very excited and can hardly wait to use them. I think we can find some indoor driving ranges and then this spring I think we should keep a standing weekly date where we go golfing. I learned the rudimentaries when I was a freshman in vet school but haven't done much since. I hope it's a little like falling off a bike. After my present we bought a thing for the cats - one of those wooden, carpeted things for them to climb and sleep on. It was a hit. We bought a playstation 2 and Scott played on it the rest of the night. We also found "Best in Show" on DVD so we'll watch that soon (if PS2 ever is off again). Yeah, we know how to spend money.

Today was back to the old grindstone. My boss is insane - tomorrow morning we're going to talk about increasing the number of hours we work (as if we fill in all the hours we're open now). I think the staff will revolt.

I met with roofing people today for the duplex - they should get it done in the next few days, depending on if they can get supplies delivered. I have to call the city to see if they'll supply a dumpster or if I have to get one delivered and picked up. Then I meet with my realtor next week and the house goes on the market. YEAH!!!

Well, that's it for the update. I'll fill you in if I remember any other important tidbits.

Until later.


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