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2002-06-25 - 8:19 a.m.

It's been forever since I have been to this site - shame on me. So much is happening in my life right now, both work, church and personnally, I just have been a bit overwhelmed. If I would just write every day, I would be able to get it all down. Instead, just highlights today.

Professionally: My boss and his new dominatrix (AKA our office manager) have alienated a large portion of the staff, causing one technician to quit, the rest to whine all the time and the rest of the staff to start garnering hate for the technicians left. It's not pretty. They have also cut down our Saturday hours by two on the books (which in actuality is 40 minutes since they took away lunch and we just leave at 1 PM). That would be great except for the next sentence out of their mouths was "When would you like to make up that hour during the week?" Frankly, I wouldn't. I'd just as soon work it on Saturday - let's face it, last Saturday was the first one we worked until 1 and I was there until after 2 and it makes for your day being shot. I was outvoted, though, so I'll be working late some night of the week.

Church: We have had two "Third Sunday of the Months", which are different services trying to draw in people from the community. We did a Blessing of the Animals in May and Donuts (featuring Krispy Kreme's) for Dads in June. We'll be doing Christmas in July next month. So far church is pretty steady right now, not a lot of extra crap. Thank the Lord above, I say!

Personally: You probably though I'd give some juicy tidbits about my life, but really I am just excited about my garden - it looks great! Although I think we'll be awash in tomatoes in about a month, if we're not awash sooner with the monsoon weather we've been having this week!

Our furniture was delivered but did not fit into the bedroom (the entertainment center, that is) so a lady wants to come out and remeasure the hallway before ordering another piece - sounds good to me - I'd just as soon not wait another four months for them to take it away again!

I saw the "Ya-Ya" movie with my book club - what a great bunch of women! We are going to bring our secret names (if you go to the website you can get your own) and make hats to wear for a ceremony at the cabin this year (although we won't be sharing blood in this disease-ridden age, not to mentiont that probably all of our tetanus shots are not up to date). If you don't know what I'm talking about - read the book or see the movie, loved 'em both. If you are a man, don't do either - the waste of your time won't be worth understanding the last paragraph I wrote. Think Beaches.

Well, I had better hightail it to work. There's a meeting at noon - the dominatrix will be lashing her whip if we don't get there on time!

Until later.


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