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2002-09-24 - 8:21 a.m.

It's Tuesday morning! That means I work today, have tomorrow off (although I have a lot of shit that needs to get done!), work Thursday as surgery chick - my favorite - and then I'm done with work for a week!! Friday we're sleeping in - or as my husband likes to call it, "Getting ready for the time zone change". Our entertainment center will be delivered that day. We're also having lunch with the in-laws and packing for the trip. Wow, busy day. We leave Saturday and get back the next Saturday. I'm really excited, in case you couldn't tell, maybe as much to see my family as to go to Europe.

The house looks so good. All it needs are gutters and accessories. Accessories we did not do a very good job of getting - we'll return the lights and get different ones that fit. We also need to get cement stuff for the handrails. The siding guy put them back on the house but the bottoms are loose. He said he'd do the patching but we need to get the compound. I'll let Scott handle this one. That's what boys are for, you know.

Well, not a lot else to report. I have to get a few more things done before heading off to work. Tomorrow I fully intend to get a couple more pairs of pants for the trip and then have lunch with my good friend, then to the car dealership to get my window etched (deters thiefs, apparently, again - a Scott thing) and then work on the house until my fingers bleed. Mom and Dad in-law coming on Friday.

Until later.


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