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2002-11-27 - 9:39 a.m.

I' Why? Why, you ask?

I have stitches. Yes, stitches (or sutures, for you medically-minded folks). So...

I told all of you about the deer head thing. We had two heads in the clinic yesterday that needed processing (this involves taking a little portion of brain tissue and the lymph nodes that sit in the neck). My boss is doing this procedure and I think, "Hey, I should know how to do this." So I go watch, and, trying to be helpful, reach out to help hold the head still. You guessed it - he reached out with the scalpel blade at the same time. Ring finger, meet Mr. Knife. Now go meet Mr. doctor to place four tiny stitches in your hand. It was an adventure, I tell you.

Who knew - there are a lot of words with w and s in them - good thing this is a thick bandaid.

Good thing this is a short week and I don't have surgery to perform.

So, that's my big news. I am off today so I'm going to have lunch with my husband and then off to church to set up for the big Turkey Feast we provide on T-day (luckily my in-laws live in town so I get to go there rather than over to the church to help dish out food, eat with perfect strangers and then clean up). Mind you, I don't mind eating with perfect strangers, but I have to be so careful not to spill food on myself - it just takes away so much of the pleasure of hogging it up on Thanksgiving:)

Well, I had better get to a little light housekeeping and then off to see hubby. By the way, almost no sympathy from him on the whole finger thing - I think it's because of the cheesy bandaid that they put over the wound - if there had been a big bandage, maybe a sling, then I might have garnered some sympathy. Instead, I got to cook dinner and learn to play a game called Civilization last night. For you women out there - it's a boy game. I don't mean that derogatively, but you settle countries, have armies, earn points, advance through the ages - taking hours (and I DO mean hours) to learn and then play the darn thing. What we do for love... Oh, well, I've made him watch hours of HGTV and Trading Spaces, so I guess I can take one for the team on this one.

Until later.


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