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2003-02-14 - 1:22 p.m.

Happy Valentine's Day! Now that I am married, and have someone to celebrate with, V-day is a lot more fun. Tonight we're going for a steak (with all the extras - yes, I am saying forget WW for one day!!) and then we'll head home. I got a couple of gifts for Scott so we'll do a little of that and probably watch tv or play EQ. Neither one of us has any plans for tomorrow so we can kick back and relax for once. At least, we can until Sunday when I have to do the church thing, the church meeting after and then drag Scott off for a concert that night. Then we're back at work. Next Wednesday is the big doctor appointment and I have to work next weekend. I then have more church meetings, a couple of continuing ed meetings, a book club meeting and then February is over. Whew.

We had a doctor meeting this morning, where for the first time, we heard "If we lay anyone off, it won't be a doctor." What?!!! Were you thinking of laying off a doctor to begin with?!! As the most expensive doctor would it be me?!! Not that Scott and I wouldn't be ok, but it would be good to plan for these types of things. I could easily sub/relief if I needed to, and frankly, I could probably work at Target and be ok, but it would be good to know. Damn George Bush and this economy!!

Speaking of economy - what is with the gas prices these days. Sheesh.

Well, speaking of work, I have to get back. It was good to catch up with this before tonight when I will be more interested in playing games!!

Until later.


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