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2003-02-23 - 2:19 p.m.

Why, oh why, can I not have a normal, well-run church meeting? Granted, it IS church, so normal must leave itself on the doorstep and weirdos only come in. What does that say about me, hmmm?

So, anyhoo, the meeting started off well, a nice agenda, each committee head gave their two cents and then the other church that uses our sanctuary in the afternoon started their service and we were all ready to adjourn, when...

"I have a concern." Comes from one of our newest members (although her parents have been there since time began). "We seem to be losing another family, all due to this reconciling thing. Shouldn't we change that?"

Ok, reconciling, for the rest of the world (and believe you me I had to ask when joining what that meant) means that anyone can come to church and be accepted, whether rich or poor, gay or straight, any race, creed, etc that you can come up with. Something to that effect is printed in the bulletin each week as a mission statement to explain what reconciling means. Church word (from annual conference) not local people word - too long and difficult for average joe to understand. Now that you have an explanation...

The church went through a tremendous upheaval about 5-6 years ago in deciding to be a reconciling congregation. It was in a downward spiral, anyway, but that split it in two and decreased numbers like crazy. So to bring up all that pain again was a little un-kosher, if you ask me. In a petty, power-control sort of way, I was also irritated that she had been pondering this issue for a MONTH and did not bring it up to me as chair of this committee before deciding to bring it to the entire church. Then I could have at least had all of us meet in the basement or somewhere where the other church was not trying to have a normal day - sheesh, a little warning would be nice. Even her mom was like, "Honey, be quiet, the other church is starting." I take that as, "Honey, be quiet, you're a little crazy and believe me, you aren't going to bring up anything that hasn't been hashed and rehashed to death."

Ok, enough irritation at church. I am very much for reconciliation, and will leave if it takes a big step in the wrong direction and unreconciles or whatever you would call such a move.

Maybe I do need high blood pressure meds!! Aaagh!

My sister said she'd come and shut 'em up. I might take her up on that one day. She's kind of good at handling weird people with issues.

Totally new subject - my little dizzy dog at work is looking a little better. She scared me to death because she can't hear well and therefore sleeps really soundly. When I went in this morning, she didn't move and I thought she had died. I kept watching and finally realized she was breathing nice and evenly and sleeping! Thank the lord above. 99 percent of me is sure she has a disease that will correct itself, but that one percent took over in a big, adrenaline-rush way this morning.

Well, I have to do some dishes and then go check on her again, let her walk a little and go to the bathroom. Then, hopefully, an uneventful night of playing EQ and sleeping well.

Until later.


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