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2003-04-17 - 9:17 p.m.

My office manager called me yesterday afternoon when I was at church (shock, shock) making soup for tonight's dinner (Simple Maundy Thursday soup supper and service). I got back to a message to call her and, a little worriedly, called back.

"Just a heads up for tomorrow - Dr. S dropped a knife on her foot and is having surgery today, so although she [bravely] is returning to work, she may not be up to full speed."

I'll say - apparently she dropped an 8" chef's knife in just the right manner to sever the tendon to her big toe. OUCH! It was very sharp, so it didn't hurt too much, and her dad (the urologist - I know, I know, not a foot doctor, but a doctor none-the-less) came over with his sewing tools. He of course took one look at the fact that she couldn't extend her toe and promptly called his orthopedic doctor friend. The friend had her come in and have some early morning surgery yesterday and put her in a little cast for the next month.

Today would have gone well, but the pain meds had her puking by early afternoon. She tried to tough it out, but spent most of the rest of the day hanging out in the lounge near the bathroom. Being a sufferer (aka "Glass Gut" if you ask my father) of nausea and vomiting, I feel nothing but sorry for her. At least when the meds wear off she should feel better. The pain should be manageable as well, since it's been immobilized.

Well, not a lot else tonight. My husband crawled out of bed at four-thirty this morning to drive to South Dakota and then drove home tonight, so we're both kind of tired. I am so irritable tonight as well. Hormones? Stress? Overload and no vacation in sight? Full moon? Who knows? I just hope I feel less tight tomorrow. Since I'll likely be working with my boss (Dr. S took the morning off to recover) I wouldn't count on it.

Until later.


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