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2003-11-20 - 2:06 p.m.

I got to take a real lunch from work today, so I thought I'd catch up on some diary reading and then decided I should even add an entry.

Though perhaps I shouldn't, since I don't have much... no, wait, I have not typed out the Dr.S/Popeye scenario yet (I tried to do so for my notifylist, but it did not seem to go through). So here goes...

Dr. S has an older sister, Luna, who is the bane of her existence, I think. Dr. S is smart, absolutely beautiful and has a great job (and what she thinks is a good man and marriage). In my opinion, she has gotten colder and less nice in her later life, but self-centeredness develops, and hey, who am I to criticize? So, anyway, Luna is just the opposite. She can't keep a job, she's not pretty, doesn't have a man and has mental issues. Yes, depression and perhaps manic issues. She tried to kill herself (a bit haphazardly, more a "cry for help") about ten years ago when Dr. S and I were still in vet school together. Since then she has bounced around roommates, jobs, men, had a brief stint with one of those cult churches (ok, so they are not a cult, but those big, nondenominational, hyp-mo-tize you, slick, hugely populated churches that have sprung up all over the place, primarily to support the Christian Crap music that is out there today, dumbing down the American masses - whew, I feel like Dennis Miller, not necessarily a good thing).

Back to Luna - she and Dr. S lived together in an apartment for a long time as well. Not really a good thing, if you ask me. Doesn't help Luna's low self-esteem, doesn't help either one of their sanity. Luna has lived with other roommates for while now, each one kicking her out at some point for either being crazy or for not paying rent.

Dr. S marries Popeye, a member of an elite population, with all the keep-up-with-the-Joneses type of things that go along with it (I just LOVE sushi, caviar, champagne, etc, etc, etc, ad nauseum until I spill it on my DKNY, Versaci, Blahnik, etc, etc, etc, ad nauseum). Luna does not fit into this crowd very well, but Dr. S decides to let her come to an open house party at Dr. S's place anyway. Luna wants to bring her boyfriend of two weeks, an older black man who has a pretty good armed robbery record, is on parole and who convinces Luna from time to time that skipping work to hang out in a divey bar is good (and for some of us, that would be kinda fun, but when you are new at your job, skipping out doesn't look so good). Dr. S says absolutely not! Luna shows up, gets very drunk and commences to tell all at the party about her new flame - yes, a bit of dirt for society's elite.

So, Dr. S is furious, bans Luna from her house and specifically tells her never to bring that lowlife over, even should they get married and have seven kids.

Dr. S and Popeye head to Denver for a week, and come home to house that is not quite clean, someone has been sleeping in my bed, Papa bear, and someone has been eating my porridge (aka VERY expensive liquor) and someone tried to cover it up by randomly doing some dishes and laundry. But perhaps most telling, was that someone stole about $12,000 worth of cash and jewelry. Oops.

The police talk to Luna, as she admits to being in the house, and admits to having the lowlife along with her - turns out Luna's roommate even has a picture of lowlife on Dr. S's couch, so he cannot dispute that he was there. Luna helps set up lowlife before he skips town, and the police catch him. Unfortunately, money is gone and no proof of stealing can take place, although lowlife was wearing Popeye's sweater and had drugs on him, so he will go back to jail.

Luna will also get charged. I think she should - Dr. S may be shallow, but she really has tried with Luna, and Luna not only violated a trust, but brought a known thief in to case the joint (and known thief has a few less-than-reputable friends, too). Her sense of security is shot to hell, that's for sure. That, plus the fact that Luna is not remorseful, tells me to charge her, let her paycheck be garnished for reimbursement, and cut her off from family gatherings at the Dr. S/Popeye home.

Well, I guess I did have a story. In other news, I am going to book club tonight (love them women!!) and will be kind of busy this weekend with a lot of church stuff and computer time. Next week Scott and I head out for Iowa (the greatest state in the nation, for those of you who didn't know) to partake of some lovely food and even lovelier family time (well, at least with my immediate family, the rest are just kooky).

With Scott along, not many kooky things happen, but maybe this is the year all that changes. Should be fun to find out.

Until later.


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